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Tutoring Schedule

Fall 2017 Human Situation Fellows Tutoring Schedule

Fall 2017 tutoring hours start Monday, August 28th, 2017! If you are attending tutoring hours, please bring in a draft, outline, or thesis to discuss with a fellow. If you are attending Drop-in Writing Lab, bring your laptop to work on an upcoming assignment. If you get stumped or have a question, the fellows will be there to help!

Tutoring hours: 12pm-2pm, 3pm-6pm The Cemo Foyer, just outside the Honors College

Tutoring hours: 12pm-6pm, The Cemo Foyer

Tutoring hours: 12pm-6pm, The Cemo Foyer

Tutoring hours: 12pm-4pm, The Cemo Foyer
Drop In Writing Lab: 4pm-6pm, Honors College 212L

For more information, visit the Fellows’ Facebook page or send them an email!